Exactly How To Live a Life of Travel. Another Yomadic Two Step Guide™

Travel bloggers usually measure their success by crude metrics such as number of hits, advertising revenue, or how many comments are left on an article. There’s only one metric I’m really interested in – how many of my readers quit jobs they hate, to travel. Whether it’s a short vacation, or a long term life of travel, somebody needs to encourage you that there is far more to life than your 9-5. Or even your 8-6. Far more.
If you’re happy with your job, your life, and your view out of your office window, maybe give the rest of this article a miss. If you’re not interested in seeing some incredible sights, not into tasting some amazing food, don’t want to meet new people (or shoot them), just move along, there’s nothing to see here.
For those of you that are still with me, lets talk about how to travel long term and see the world.

Lately, I’ve read some disturbing articles on the internet. Some bloggers are suggesting that not everyone should quit their job, and travel the world. That such an endeavour, is pure folly. They’re writing articles saying that people are happy, just learning how to run meetings more efficiently, climbing the corporate ladder until they become Vice President of Nobody-Gives-a-Shit, and selling stuff nobody needs to people who can’t afford it.
In a consumption and career driven world where entire bookshops exist solely to perpetuate the rat race ethic, do we really need any more articles to tell you not to quit your job, and to not travel the world?
I’ve put my own credibility on the line here, since January 2012. My success or failures will all be here for the world to see. I said I would travel the world, and now, I’m doing it. I don’t want a medal – it’s not that hard. Anyone can do it.
Lately, my travelling life has become a simple process of rinse, lather, repeat. Barring any exceptional circumstances, I have myself sorted. I’m playing this travel game until it’s clocked.
But, I understand that some people need a hand to get started with a life of travel. Every day, I receive emails from people asking me – how?. It’s never why, always how.

We all could use a little momentum to get started with a life-changing decision.
So, there’s somebody you need to know about. And, it’s not me.
A person who, so far, has been travelling for four thousand six hundred and thirty days. He’s been through 82 countries, so far. His name, is Earl. Wandering Earl. There’s two things I would like to tell you about Earl. Firstly, he once travelled from Los Angeles to Bangladesh, the hard way, to get back some money that a possible-militia-dude owed him. Yes, he’s a motivated guy.
Second, he can show you how to easily live a life of travel. I could write an e-book about it myself, but who would buy it? I’m a novice. Maybe in a few years, when I have some long term miles under my belt. For now, I’ll give you another infamous Yomadic Two Step Program™:
Yomadic Two Step Program™ : How to Live a Life of Travel
1. Read Earl’s incredible book – “How to Live a Life of Travel”.
2. Do what it says.
If you do buy the book, I’ll get enough of a cut to buy a cheap plate of Chicken Rice in Singapore. Which just might come in handy. For you? Well, I’ve read all 220 pages, and it’s all in there. You’ll get the “how” from somebody who is actually living a life of perma-travel, for almost 5000 days so far.
And, he started his twelve-year life of travel with very little money.
Earl flowed me a review copy (thanks Earl), and I’ve used a few tips already. There’s info on unique ways on how to make money on the road, how much money you will need to travel long term (hint: not as much as you think), packing methods, transportation and accommodation tips, and more. I read about an on-the-road job opportunity that I’m take advantage of.
Do yourself a favour, and at least check Earls book out here.
It may just get you started on a life of travel.

About the photos:
Sydney, Australia. The greatest city in Australia (sorry Melbourne), and one of the most incredible cities anywhere on Earth. I’m here, staying at the rightfully world-famous Bondi Beach for a few more days, and then off to another continent on Monday.
Great post Nate! Heading over to check out Earl’s book. :)
Thanks Noelle, hope the book serves you well (I know it will!).
You’re going to LA to become a paparazzo aren’t you.
I will be going to LA. Hmmm being a Paparazzo is an intriguing idea…
Most awesome Nate, I love reading Earls site and I will put his book on my Christmas list. If you do end up in Singapore eating Chicken Rice, say hi to the city from me. I was there but a fortnight ago and am dying to go back. Especially with the insane fares offered by Scoot. You absolutely must see the Gardens By The Bay both in the day and at night. I got some awesome night photos. Anyways, safe travels, can’t wait to hear all about your next adventure.
Thanks Bec, really appreciate it. Hmmm Scoot ay, you might be onto something there… ;)
Just finished my last day of work today… Saying goodbye to the 9-5 hello to yoga teacher training and then off to travel (indefinitely) in January!!! I’m a quitter too :)
Congrats Megan! (I love congratulating people who have quit their job ;) Being a Yoga teacher sounds like a great choice – I assume you’re doing something you love, and teaching others about it. Much like I am doing here – I love to travel, and I’m trying my best to teach others about it. Good luck with everything. Nate.
To me, either extreme is ridiculous. But then again, it depends on whatever is right to each person.
Personally, I like to take what I call calculated risks. For this reason, I will likely be self-employed and keep a job while on the road. Does this mean I’m still in the rat race, working and living solely for a career in a nobody-gives-a-shit company? No. I’m working for myself, making my own hours, etc. Having an income that I myself control is good to me.
Specially, I would like to be able to keep investing at least $500 a month no matter where I am. It’s hard to do that without a job.
I want to be financially independent later in my life, when I might not be able to work like I do now. One must always have a plan B. You never know what will happen to you tomorrow!
Thus, this is my philosophy: ***Work now AND live now*** Work for your present AND your future. It is a balance of both. If you spent all your money/energy to live now, what could you have in the future? On the flip side, if you are miserable now just to work for your tomorrow…what if you die today?
It is all about balance my friend :)
– Maria Alexandra
ps – I plan to work about 4 hours each day while I am abroad. That will keep the money flowing (and to say for tomorrow), but without taking enjoyment out of my life today :)
Damn Maria, I never replied to you on this one! Apologies!
I agree with your message – taking control and working for yourself, especially whilst travelling, AND continuing to invest each month, is a dream scenario for me. I’m working towards that goal right now.
Well, actually, my real dream scenario is being transported into the future, to a world where money doesn’t exist, bacon is good for you, and jetpacks are standard issue, but, you gotta have dreams, right? ;)